039 | August 10, 2021
Hello Reader,
Happy Tuesday! Welcome to the 49 new subscribers since the last installment.
Before we jump in, I want to make you smile. This was my absolute favorite moment of the Olympics. Qatar’s Mutaz Essa Barshim and Italy’s Gianmarco Tamberi had both recovered from bad injuries to compete in the Tokyo Olympic games. They had both cleared an impressive 2.37m each. It was now time for a “jump off.” That’s when Barshim asks the referee – “Can we both have golds?” What happened next was beautiful. You can watch it here.
In this week's broadcast:
Health: Troubling Trends in Life Expectancy?
Did you know that the U.S. is the only developed country in the world that has experienced a decrease in healthy life expectancy in any period since 2010? (Source: WHO)
It's worth noting here that healthy life expectancy measures, on average, how many years of healthy, happy life people have vs. total life expectancy, which is on average, how along someone is alive. The U.S. is actually pretty good at keeping unhealthy people alive.
This is all quite alarming when you realize that the U.S. continues to decline in spite of being one of the richest countries in the world (i.e. a complete anomaly).
The irony of the U.S.’s situation is that it is the richest country in the world (in total GDP) and one of the richest in per capita GDP. While a country’s healthy life expectancy typically improves as a result of higher GDP, the U.S. has experienced the opposite result in recent years. Our GDP increases, yet our years of healthy life remain on the decline.
If you want to learn more about this alarming trend, I highly recommend Jeff Nobbs' full post analysis here: Troubling Trends in U.S. Healthy Life Expectancy
One of the best ways to avoid chronic disease is to learn how to eat correctly. Eating right impacts both your physical and your mental health.
It’s a critical aspect of being “Dialed In.” And yet, so many people get it wrong.
If you want to eat in a way that enables you to get lean, reverse aging and prevent disease, I highly recommend you check out my favorite highlights and takeaways from the book "Primal Eating." (It's a great jumping off point and, if it resonates, you can always purchase the full book for a worthwhile deep dive.)
Career: How to Work Hard
From Paul Graham's "How to Work Hard":
And one of the biggest detriments to working hard? "Probably school," says Graham. "Subjects get distorted when they're adapted to be taught to kids -- often so distorted that they're nothing like the work done by actual practioners."
Pair with Simon Sarris' "The Most Precious Resource is Agency" (especially if you're a parent of sharp kid). Sarris outlines how the most famously successful people (da Vinci, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, et al.) all go off-script early. Instead of letting our kids learn to master something and take responsibility, we put them in school for 12-16 years, which, frankly speaking, doesn't create readiness for life. He argues that we should be thinking much harder about making sure children can make meaningful contributions to the world and that learning is ultimately the consequence of doing.
Wealth: Ramit Sethi's 10 Money Rules
Ramit Sethi, is the author of NYTimes bestselling book, "I Will Teach You to Be Rich." I know, I know, it sounds scammy as hell, but that $8 book is the reason I put $5000 in a Roth IRA in 2009 when I was barely earning $40,000. (That account is in the six figures now.)
One of the things I love most about Ramit is his emphasis on living your rich life. He put together his 10 money rules that help him create the life he wants to live. You may find it worth your time to take his rules and tailor them to your own way of life, values and priorities. Or, perhaps, you will be inspired to create your own list. Either way, it's important to be deliberate, but not obstructive when thinking about your finances.
Oh, and he recently started a new podcast, which focus on real money stories from behind closed doors.
Relationships: 9 Steps to a Healthy Long-Term Relationship and Marriage
One of my favorite Twitter accounts (@SaveYourSons) exists to help young men learn to be happy and engaged fathers. His mission is obviously very aligned with becoming a "Dialed In" man and I think you'll like his content.
Speaking of, I loved this thread (relevant for both men and women) on 9 steps to a healthy long-term relationship and marriage. Enjoy
July 16th 2021
Tweet of the Week:
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With appreciation,
- Ryan
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I share a bi-weekly e-0mail featuring scientifically proven advice for you to get your career, relationships, wealth and wellness DIALED IN.
037 | June 7, 2021 Hi Reader, Happy Monday. This week's newsletter is all about happiness: what makes you happy, whether or not you can change your level of happiness and why it's a myth that smart people can't be happy. Let's get into it. In this week's broadcast: What a 75-Year Harvard Study Can Teach Us About Happiness Can You Change Your Level of Happiness? If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Happy? What Can a 75-year Harvard Study Can Teach us About Happiness? The Grant Study is part of...